As an association, we work on a two tier model. Tier one focuses on providing wholesome education, to current students in our alma mater; which builds them emotionally, physically as well as intellectually. We do this through four key programmes that we run in partnership with dedicated school administration. Tier Two focuses on growing a strong business and alumni network where we give back to our alma mater and begin to influence socio-economic growth in the alumni community.

Hockey and Pangani are synonyms, however over the years there has been a steady decline in the success of the school team. The association is proud to have DC a former Hockey captain from our glory days, taking time off her schedule to coach the girls to glory. The sports programme further seeks sponsorship and other forms of support to bolster other sports in the school, to ensure that our girls learn work-life balance by staying physically energised and invigorated beyond the book smarts.
We all need a guiding hand to provide inspiration and open us up to new opportunities. The association now runs regular career, inspirational and life skills talks and discussions with the girls which keeps them energised and enthusiastic about their future. The talks revolve around; mental health issues, social isolation, bullying, attempted suicide, HIV and AIDS stigmatization to extra-curricular activities in the workplace, benefits of volunteering during the school holiday, empowering each other, going for interviews, personal hygiene and grooming.
Through annual membership fee, the association has successfully set up a scholarship fund that covers school fees of the needy students in the institution. Thus far 13 girls are now guaranteed of an education thanks to your support.
Teenage is a rough time; there are a lot of challenges these girls face at this age. Through the expert help of professional counsellors in the alumni association; these girls now have a psychosocial support system through trained professional counsellors in school, and counselling and guidance sessions from alumni during regular visits during the school term. This has given girls hope and lifted unhealthy distractions allowing them to focus on their studies.